Hey, Life Happens. Why have an unpredictable cost of ownership, when piece of mind can be very affordable.
Our service plan partners will make sure you can drive with confidence, coast-to-coast. Since our inspection and repair requirements are set at such a high standard, our extended service plan partners offer factory-like coverage on our vehicles! You can choose from a comprehensive protection which will cover all parts of a vehicle except named exclusions or protection on just your powertrain components. Pick whichever fits your budget.
But wait, there’s more! Not only will our plans cover parts and labor, they also include 24hr Roadside Assistance, Towing Assistance, and some plans even include a Rental Vehicle.
Don’t forget! Even if you did not purchase a vehicle from us, or opted to decline the coverage at the time of your purchase, you can still get any of our plans at any time. Please contact our Sales Department from more details.
Compare and pick which coverage best fits your vehicle and lifestyle.